Firefox ześěgnuś

Firefox se na Windows 8.1 a staršych wěcej njepódpěra.

Pšosym ześěgniśo Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšyrjonu pódpěru), aby Firefox wužywał.

Firefox se na macOS 10.14 a staršych wěcej njepódpěra.

Pšosym ześěgniśo Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšyrjonu pódpěru), aby Firefox wužywał.

Pokazki priwatnosći Firefox


Firefox jo jano zachopjeńk Mozilla jo produktowa swójźba, kótaraž wšykne su myslone za to, až sćo wěsćejšy a wěcej inteligentny online


Get the browser that blocks 2000+ data trackers automatically. Enhanced Tracking Protection comes standard in every Firefox browser.

Firefox ześěgnuś

Firefox se na Windows 8.1 a staršych wěcej njepódpěra.

Pšosym ześěgniśo Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšyrjonu pódpěru), aby Firefox wužywał.

Firefox se na macOS 10.14 a staršych wěcej njepódpěra.

Pšosym ześěgniśo Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšyrjonu pódpěru), aby Firefox wužywał.

Pokazki priwatnosći Firefox

Wobstarajśo se jen zadermo z Google Play

Z App Store ześěgnuś

Firefox Focus

Waš wobglědowak z funkcijami priwatnosći z awtomatiskim šćitom pśed slědowanim a blokěrowanim wabjenja.

Wobstarajśo se jen zadermo z Google Play Z App Store ześěgnuś

Firefox Relay

Šćitajśo swóju napšawdnu e-mailowu adresu, aby swój postowy dochad lěpjej kontrolěrował.

Get Firefox Relay

Mozilla Monitor

See if you’ve been part of a data breach. If so, let us automatically get your private info back for you and continually monitor your identity for new leaks.

Za źěrami pytaś

Mozilla VPN

Surf, stream and get work done on servers in over 30 countries for a secure internet connection with a new perspective.

Mozilla VPN wobstaraś

MDN Plus

Resources for developers, by developers. Support MDN and make it your own with collections, notifications, and playgrounds.

Support MDN


Access all your email, calendars, and contacts in one fast app. Filter and organize them the way you like.

Download Thunderbird


Fakespot has your back when you’re shopping online — weeding out scam artists and finding you the best deals. Made by Mozilla.

Analyze a URL


Namakjśo nejlěpše wopsimjeśe we webje - a wužywajśo jo, źožkuli a gažkuli cośo.

Pocket wobstaraś

Wobstarajśo se jen zadermo z Google Play

Z App Store ześěgnuś